11. Disclaimers

Please read this Whitepaper document published and endorsed by the 1BOX NFT Marketplace for the accuracy of the information given and confirm that, after having made all reasonable inquiries, and to the best of its knowledge, information and belief, there are no false or misleading statements or other material facts the omission of which would make any statement false or misleading. This legal disclaimer applies to all persons who read this document. It must also be kept in mind that this notice can be changed and reviewed any time without any prior information or announcement to the public on the behalf of the 1BOX NFT Marketplace and should not be construed as an agreement or commitment at the part of 1BOX NFT Marketplace. This white paper is for information only and does not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell or to buy tokens and NFT’s from the 1BOX NFT Marketplace or any other related or associated platform. All forward-looking statements such as “expects”, “plans”, “believes”, “projects”, “anticipates”, “will”, “aims”, “may”, “would”, “could”, “continue” and similar statements describe for roadmap execution, financial performance, business strategy, and future may involve risk and uncertainties and as such should seek properly independent professional advice prior to relying on or entering any commitment or transaction based on, material published in this Whitepaper, this white paper has only one aim that is to provide information about the 1BOX NFT Marketplace and how it works. This Whitepaper should not be taken as a legal document that offers any kind of investment or any business deal between the reader and 1BOX NFT Marketplace platform. 1BOX NFT Marketplace team does not provide any suggestion to buy the tokens for any particular game or NFT’s from any Tier. The possibility of mistakes in this white paper cannot be altogether denied. We do not guarantee or warrant, and accept no legal liability whether direct or indirect, consequential, compensatory, incidental, actual, exemplary, punitive, or special (including but not limited to lost capital, profits, loss of revenue, or third-party loss whether foreseeable or otherwise, trading losses or damages, data, use, goodwill or other intangible losses) as the result of its ecosystem activities arising from or connected to the accuracy, reliability, currency, or completeness of any material in this whitepaper notwithstanding any negligence, default or lack of care, is disclaimed.

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