Keplr on Desktop

We will walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to stake, leveraging the Keplr and Metamask wallets.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Wallets and Tools

a. Chrome Browser: Ensure you have Chrome installed, as it is compatible with the Keplr and Metamask extensions.

b. Keplr Wallet: — Download and install the Keplr wallet from [Keplr’s official website]( — Create a new wallet or import an existing one.

— Select the Celestia chain and note down your wallet address (starts with “celestia”).

c. Metamask Wallet: — Install Metamask from: — Add the OP Mainnet by following the link:

Step 2: Adding NEW Asset to Metamask

- Open Metamask and select the Optimism network. - Click “Add Token” and input the NEW TOKEN contract address:

- Confirm to complete the addition of the token.

Step 3: Transfer TIA to Keplr Wallet

- Transfer TIA from exchanges like OK wallet, Binance, etc., to your Keplr wallet on the Celestia chain. Note: Fill in the “memo” section if required by the exchange. - For example, in Binance: — Purchase TIA/USDT and select TIA for withdrawal. — Enter Keplr’s Celestia chain address and amount. Memos are currently not needed for this transfer.

Step 4: Staking NEW token

  • Visit [Stake Page](https://www.).

  • Connect with your Keplr and select the amount of TIA you want to stake.

  • Click “Stake TIA”, ensuring you have reserved some TIA for gas fees.

  • The Optimism address(on Metamask) used should be the one with the NEW token added.

Step 5: Monitoring and Unstaking

  • After staking, monitor your assets in Metamask under the Optimism network.

  • To unstake, link your Metamask, select the Optimism network, and enter the amount to burn.

  • Provide your Celestia wallet address to receive $TIA. Ensure you have enough ETH in Metamask for gas fees. Unstaking takes about 10 days.

Wallet Usage:

  • Keplr Wallet: Primarily used for staking $TIA.

  • Metamask Wallet: Used for receiving and managing assets on the Optimism network.

Staking TIA can be a rewarding experience if done correctly. By following these steps, you can efficiently stake your TIA tokens and manage your assets using Keplr and Metamask wallets. Remember to always keep an eye on gas fees and network requirements. Happy staking!

Last updated