7. Tokenomics

7.1 Roadmap

Oct – Mar 2022

NFTs Platform & Coin in DEXs

Launch 1Box NFT exchange platform and deploy 1Box coin to different DEX.

Apr – Sep

Launch coin in CEXs

Reduction of 1BOX coin holding (from private placement), 25% as a batch, complete in 12 months. And 20% of all fees will be Buyback-and-Burn from CEXs.

Oct – Mar 2023

Major Buyback-and-Burn kick in

At this stage, 70% of the net income from NFTs platform will be used for dividend and buyback-and-burn 1BOX coin.

7.2 Distribution

15% Employee Incentive Programme

75% Public

10 % IDO, IPO and Cornerstone Investors

7.3 Release Schedule

Last updated